Dig Site - Welton rd

On this site in 1980 a Roman building was found and excavated.  It contained a pot, oven and coins of both Vespasian and Domitian. 

Latest Finds

27th Jul 2020

Ferry Inn Brough

Romano-British pottery discovered during a watching brief at The Ferry Inn, Brough. It is thought that this area would form parts of the harbour/docks for the transfering of supplies accross the humber Read more …

27th Jul 2020

Timber buildings

Potential remains of 3rd Century timber buildings, dated by coins discovered in situ. Read more …

27th Jul 2020

5 The Burrs

At this location sited withing the wall of the Garrison excavations uncovered a corner of a Roman building with Roman pottery andwall plaster.  Roman coins were also found in the proximity. Read more …

27th Jul 2020

Dig Site - Grassdale Park

Remains of a substantial wall along with Samian pottery, Vespasian coins, floors, glass, pot and plaster. Read more …



Latest News

Roman Festival 2023

As we fastly approach 2023 we have one thing on our mind, our community and what can the project do for it this year? well for one there is the Roman festival on the 15th of July where everyone is invited to this free event. Read more …


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